“Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become.” Lewis Carrol

jueves, 17 de abril de 2008


EVERYBODY needs to bring the book for next class,because we will start reading our play.



martes, 1 de abril de 2008

FIRST TASK: Your opinion

HEY EVERYBODY!!! As your first blogging task, I'd like you to answer these questions:

What do you think about literature so far?

What are your expectations for this year?

You are more than welcome to post ideas for the rest of the year.


Definition: What is literature? Why do we read it? Why is literature important?

Literature is a term used to describe written or spoken material. Broadly speaking, "literature" is used to describe anything from creative writing to more technical or scientific works, but the term is most commonly used to refer to works of the creative imagination, including works of poetry, drama, fiction, and nonfiction.

Why do we read literature?
Literature represents a language or a people: culture and tradition. But, literature is more important than just a historical or cultural artifact. Literature introduces us to new worlds of experience. We learn about books and literature; we enjoy the comedies and the tragedies of poems, stories, and plays; and we may even grow and evolve through our literary journey with books.Ultimately, we may discover meaning in literature by looking at what the author says and how he/she says it.

"The difficulty of literature is not to write, but to write what you mean; not to affect your reader, but to affect him precisely as you wish." -- Robert Louis Stevenson