“Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become.” Lewis Carrol

martes, 7 de octubre de 2008


What is a scrapbook?: In our case, a scrapbook will be a compilation of clippings from newspapers, photographs and the sort that can help us exemplify our topic.

Project Genocide: Images of Today
Creating a Scrapbook
The hatred and injustice imposed upon Jews and other groups that led to attempted genocide during the Holocaust may be over, but the practice of injustice and genocide for a variety of ethnic, political, and religious groups continues throughout the world today.

Directions: Research the Internet and in back issues of newspapers and news magazines to find out about other groups of people who have suffered from prejudice and intolerance since the Holocaust of World War II. Create a scrapbook of pictures, news headlines, and articles depicting these events. Be prepared to possibly share your scrapbook with your classmates at a later time.

1. Create a scrapbook out of construction paper or another source but not notebook paper.
2. Title your scrapbook, and include your name.
3. Each page of your scrapbook should include a title and short explanation of the event pictured.
4. You may focus on one event or on several examples around the world. Be sure to title each page and explain the picture, news article or other piece of evidence for your scrapbook page.
5. Have at least 10 pages in your scrapbook.
6. Include a first or last page that states your feelings regarding what you learned during
your research and how you feel about intolerance toward others in general.

• Watch your spelling!
• Watch your sentence writing; use no fragments or run-ons.
• Watch capitalization.
• Be neat when placing pictures, samples, Internet sources, articles, etc., in the scrapbook.
• Type titles and short explanations and your personal feelings about intolerance, if
possible. Otherwise, write very NEATLY.

Scrapbook Rubric (this is how i will evaluate you, please take it into account when preparing the scrapbook)

Has scrapbook bound with a title and name.
Has 10 pages of information in scrapbook.
Has a front or back page which includes personal opinion on research and intolerance.
Has a title neatly placed on each page.
Has an explanation of each object, picture, article, etc. neatly written or typed.
Neatly placed items in scrapbook.
Has no errors in capitalization.
Has no errors in spelling.
Has no errors in sentence writing.
Subjects within scrapbook reflect the objective of the assignment.