(pages 47 to 65)
1. What is Elie’s first impression of the camp at Buna?
2. What do the dentist look for in the mouths of the prisoners?
3. What excuse does Elie give to the dentist so that he won’t take out his gold crown?
4. What part of Elie’s body alone is aware of “the passage of time”?
5. Why does Idek beat Elie’s father? What is Elie’s first reaction as the beating is taking place?
6. What is the punishment Idek gives Elie for leaving the area assigned to him to work?
7. Who bombs the camp at Buna?
8. Why is the pipel hanged?
9. What is the reputation of the pipel and the fifty-second cable unit?
10. What makes the hanging of the pipel different from the other hangings the prisoners have witnessed?
6 comentarios:
1. What is Elie’s first impression of the camp at Buna?
He thought that the camp looked as though it had been trhough an epidemic;empty and dead
2. What do the dentist look for in the mouths of the prisoners?
For the gold teeth
3. What excuse does Elie give to the dentist so that he won’t take out his gold crown?
That he felt bad and had fever
4. What part of Elie’s body alone is aware of “the passage of time”?
The stomach. Everyday he would feel extremely hungry.
5. Why does Idek beat Elie’s father? What is Elie’s first reaction as the beating is taking place?
Because he wouldnt march in the apropiate way. He just stared and felt quite angry beacuse he though his father could have avoided the situation and afterwards feels guilty for not having done something and having thought in that way.
6. What is the punishment Idek gives Elie for leaving the area assigned to him to work?
He made him lie dow and beated him 25 times with a whip
7. Who bombs the camp at Buna?
American planes.
8. Why is the pipel hanged?
one they the power failed at the central electric plant in Buna. The Gestappo concluded that it was sabotage. This led them to discover weappons in another block where the people were. So he was killed.
9. What is the reputation of the pipel and the fifty-second cable unit?
The pipel was liked beacause he was always calm and he was beloved by all beacause he had a face of an angel.
10. What makes the hanging of the pipel different from the other hangings the prisoners have witnessed?
He was calm and never expressed his feelings. And it took longer for him to die.
1)Elie's first impression of the camp was that it was empty and dead, and it look as it had been through and epidemic.
2)Dentists took the gold theeths of the prisioners
3)He said he had a fever
4)His stomach because he felt hunger everyday and his stomch ache
5) Because his father was not working in the way Idek expected. He kept silent in ordet no avoid being hit, also he felt anger toward his father.
6) He hit him with a weep 25 times.
7)American plains bombed the camp
8)Because one day de power failed at the electric plant, and his block was suspucted of sabotage.
9) He had a good reputation because he was always calm and had the face of an angel a delicate and beutiful face
10)It took longer for him to die than for a regular person and he seemed to be calm
1. What is Elie’s first impression of the camp at Buna?
He thought it looked as though it had been thorugh and epidemic.
2. What do the dentist look for in the mouths of the prisoners?
For the gold teeth
3. What excuse does Elie give to the dentist so that he won’t take out his gold crown?
he felt really bad and he had fever. All the time.
4. What part of Elie’s body alone is aware of “the passage of time”?
The stomach. Everyday he would feel extremely hungry.
5. Why does Idek beat Elie’s father? What is Elie’s first reaction as the beating is taking place?
Because he didn’t know how to march. Elie’s first reaction was didn’t do anything to defend him self. Only heard all the punishments they told her.
6. What is the punishment Idek gives Elie for leaving the area assigned to him to work?
He made him lie dow and beated him 25 times with a whip.
7. Who bombs the camp at Buna?
American planes.
8. Why is the pipel hanged?
one they the power failed at the central electric plant in Buna. The Gestappo concluded that it was sabotage. This led them to discover weappons in another block where the people were. So he was killed.
9. What is the reputation of the pipel and the fifty-second cable unit?
The pipel was liked beacause he was always calm and he was beloved by all beacause he had a face of an angel.
10. What makes the hanging of the pipel different from the other hangings the prisoners have witnessed?
He was always calm and quite and didn’t express his feelings
1- The camp looked as though it had been through an epidemia: empty and dead.
2- He was looking for golden teeth or crowns.
3- He said that he didn’t feel well and that he had a fever.
4- The stomach alone was measuring time.
5- Because Idek had trouble restraining himself and frequently exploded. That time the victim was Elie’s father, and he accused him of not being working hard. Elie watched it all happen without moving and kept in silence. He felt anger at his father because he could have avoided Idek’s wrath.
6- Trhe Kapo hit him with a whip 25 times, until he Elie fainted.
7- American planes.
8- Because he stole during the air raid.
9- They were hated: they often dispolayed greater cruelty than their elders.
10- Because appart from being a little boy, he was pale but almost calmand he remained for more than half an hour lingering between life and death.
1)"The camp looked as thoughit had been through en epidemic: empty and dead".
2)Gold teeth.
3)He pretended to be sick.
4)His stomach, as he was starving.
5)Because he didn't march well. Elie didn't react because he was unconcious.
6)He whipped him until he fainted.
7)The americans.
8)Because he gad stolen.
Bunge - Caparroz
1- What Elie says is that the camp looked empty and dead, as though it had been through and epidemia. With few well-dressed people.
2- He looks for gold teeth.
3- That he wasn´t feeling well and had fever.
4- His stomach hurts as he is hungry.
5- Because Idek questioned him about what he considered work really was. At first he did nothing.
6- He hitted him with a whip
7- American planes
8- Cause he had "stolen"
9- Beloved by all because of his face
10- that he was inexpressive
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